美国西部是一个长期面临水资源挑战的地区. 在美国西部,4000多万人依靠科罗拉多河生活. 与此同时,气候变化的影响也增加了挑战.

密歇根州立大学丹佛分校为有兴趣保护这一宝贵资源的人开发了非学分的专业水资源研究课程. 学生将学习科罗拉多州和美国西部的历史、法律、管理和水资源趋势.

许多行业都可以从更多地了解水问题和解决方案中受益. These industries include small farms, wastewater, manufacturing, construction, risk management, utilities, hospitality, green and sustainable industries, law, and engineering.

The courses have recently been improved, offering the same high quality, but shortened to meet your busy schedules. 课程结构已重新设计为每节课一个月,以改善学习经验,并适应繁忙的专业学生的时间表.


What are Water Studies?
水研究包括检查水处理和管理策略, 以及人类活动对水质和未来可用性的影响. 



Careers in Professional Water Management
Potential careers in professional water studies include:

  • Water conservation specialist
  • Water treatment plant operator
  • Environmental scientist
  • Water resource  and quality assurance analyst
  • Hydrologist
  • Environmental Engineer
  • Water law attorney

Professional Water Studies Courses

Canyon de Chelly National Monument and Colorado River

Colorado Water & the American West

In this one month course, students will study the history of water in the American West, how native communities used it, and the U.S. approach to water management.本课程还涵盖了联邦和科罗拉多州水资源管理的关键方面, 强调研究水资源管理和科罗拉多州特有的法律问题.

Colorado Water & the American West
Older man teaching a small class in an outside setting

Water Law

密歇根州立大学丹佛分校的学生将调查水资源利用和开发的早期阶段, explore water rights, explore the treatment and management of water, 学习科罗拉多州和联邦法律和协议,以及水的法律如何影响社区.

Water Law
Two women wearing protective gear testing water on a beach

U.S. Water Concerns

Students will explore water concerns, examining water as a natural and societal resource, water infrastructure challenges, industry-related pollution, and future changes due to climate change. Over the course of a month, 该认证课程的参与者将通过检查科罗拉多州水资源管理的影响来评估环境损害, the wastewater treatment industry, and solutions in wastewater treatment.

U.S. Water Concerns

Class benefits

Students can take one class, 或将三者结合起来,获得专业水科学证书.

  • Flexible schedule – the self-paced and online nature lets students control their schedule
  • One-on-one networking and advisement -接受科罗拉多州水务行业专家的个人咨询
  • Real-world applications – enhance your resume with in-demand skills

Course dates

Students can take one class, 或将三者结合起来,获得专业水科学证书. Each course is one month long.


Fall 2024 Schedule

Colorado Water and the American West runs September 1 – October 1, 2024. Students must register by September 9.

Water Law runs October 1 – November 1, 2024. Students must register by October 8.

U.S. Water Concerns runs November 1 – December 1, 2024. Students must register by November 8.


Each course costs $475, with a $35 transaction fee per payment. No textbooks are required.

What do I receive after I pass the course?


你也可以要求在每堂课上获得一个数字徽章,它将嵌入你所学到的能力. This badge can be added to your resume, LinkedIn page, portfolio, or even share it with your current or future employer.


Dr. Elizabeth R. McVicker, Water Law

伊丽莎白在水法方面的专业知识使她成为科罗拉多州三个与水有关的实体的董事会成员:科罗拉多水利区中心, the Headwaters of the South Platte Water Enterprise, and the Coalition of the Upper South Platte. She serves as a guest speaker, panelist, and media expert for water-related events, 并在开发“同一个世界同一个水中心”和水研究课程方面发挥了重要作用.

伊丽莎白是一位精力充沛的教授,给她的课堂带来了热情和知识. She has a JD from the University of Denver, and a Ph.D. in Spanish Language and Literature from New York University. She teaches business ethics and sustainability courses for MSU Denver.

她作为企业主和律师的经历使她能够为课堂带来大量的知识. 她是商学院院长整体教师优秀奖的获得者.

Photo of instructor Elizabeth McVicker

Dr. Matthew S. Makley, Colorado Water and the American West

马特是密歇根州立大学丹佛分校的历史教授,他在那里任教近15年. Previously he taught at Arizona State University where he earned a Ph.D. in Native American History, and the History of the American West. The University of Nevada Press published Makley’s co-authored book, Cave Rock: Climbers, Courts, and a Washoe Indian Sacred Place, in 2010. His more recent book, The Small Shall be Strong: A History of Lake Tahoe’s Washoe Indians, was published in 2018, by the University of Massachusetts Press.

马特出生在太浩湖,一生都在加州、内华达州、亚利桑那州和科罗拉多州度过. 这使他得以探索这片土地、这里的人民、这里的过去和现在. Each journey down a river canyon, up a mountain top, 或者在城市街道上帮助启发和告知他的专业实践.

Water in the west has become an area of particular interest for Makley. 他最近帮助制作了一部关于博尔德虹膜农场及其与水的关系的纪录片短片, CO called Long’s Gardens: An Urban Oasis.

Photo of instructor Matt Makley

Dr. Randi Brazeau, US. Water Concerns

Dr. Randi Brazeau, P.E., received her B.S. and M.E. degrees in Civil Engineering at the University of Florida. 在Kimley-Horn and Associates公司做了两年的工程分析师之后, she completed a Ph.D. 维珍理工大学土木工程-环境水资源专业. Marc Edwards. Currently, 自2012年以来,她一直是密歇根州立大学丹佛分校地球与大气科学系的副教授.

兰迪教授各种环境科学课程,并为职前小学教育学生教授综合科学. In addition to advising Environmental Science students, she also serves as a primary advisor for Environmental Engineering. 她的主要研究兴趣包括住宅管道的净化和污染事件后的公共卫生, surface water quality in response to mining and hazardous waste spills, urban surface water quality, and learner centered pedagogies in undergraduate STEM disciplines.

Photo of instructor Randi Brazeau

One World One Water

一个世界一个水中心(OWOW)是丹佛大都会州立大学和丹佛植物园的合作项目. The OWOW Center strives to prepare an educated, empowered, 以解决方案为导向的科罗拉多州公民保护和保存皇冠官网网站宝贵的水资源.


Nona Shipman, OWOW Co-Director

Before coming to the One World One Water Center, 诺娜曾与科罗拉多水资源教育组织一起参与2012年全州范围的科罗拉多水资源活动. Originally from Northern Virginia, 2011年,诺娜作为美国志愿队VISTA的志愿者搬到了丹佛,她非常喜欢这种经历,她决定留在科罗拉多州,寻求进一步的水教育机会. She has a BA in Communications from Lynchburg College, an MA in Biological Sciences from Miami University, Ohio, 她很高兴有机会将她的学位与她对提高对宝贵环境资源的认识的热情结合起来.

“一个好的管家了解皇冠官网网站最宝贵的自然资源——水, and reaches out to put that knowledge into action. Colorado’s future will be shaped by our students, and their stewardship will determine the fate of our rivers, lakes and groundwater.” – Tom Cech, Former OWOW Director


Please contact Brandy Schooler at 303-615-1234 or [email protected].

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